

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), also referred to as simply “apraxia,” is a motor speech disorder. Children with CAS often have typical receptive language and can understand language. However, they have deficits with the motor planning aspect of speech, meaning their articulators (e.g., lips, tongue, jaw) do not receive the message from the brain to move and produce speech.

Who May Benefit from Speech Therapy for Apraxia:

  • Children who have difficulty forming more complex speech sounds or longer utterances.
  • Children who have challenges producing volitional speech (versus automatic speech, such as saying the ABCs).
  • Children with CAS often demonstrate limited babbling, but not all children with limited babbling receive a diagnosis of CAS.

Pediatric speech-language pathologists can address the motoric component of speech production to help children with CAS build effective communication skills.

If you suspect that your child has speech or language problems, CLICK HERE for a free consultation

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