Receptive Language Disorder

Receptive Language Disorder

Receptive language refers to understanding language in your environment. Receptive language includes understanding not only spoken language, but also non-verbal language including written language and sign language. Some children may experience challenges with receptive language or have a receptive language disorder.

Children may benefit from speech therapy to build receptive language skills if they demonstrate difficulty in any of the following skill areas:

  • Understanding and following directions.
  • Answering ‘WH’ questions (who, what, when, where, why, and how).
  • Interpreting gestures.
  • Turn-taking during conversations.
  • Comprehending vocabulary that is age-appropriate.

Speech-language pathologists are licensed clinicians who can help children build a wide range of skills including receptive language. Clinicians individualize therapy sessions based on the specific strengths and areas of concern.

If you suspect that your child has speech or language problems, CLICK HERE for a free consultation

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